Holistic medicine treats an entire person, as a whole, including their mind and body. The practice of holistic medicine has been used by many veterinarians providing pets an alternative to pet pain management, pet nutrition, and dog obedience training. A veterinarian on our veterinary team at Citrus Heights Pet Hospital in Citrus Heights, CA, can offer holistic medicine treatments for pets, including acupuncture and a variety of other pet wellness services.
Holistic Treatment for Pain Management
Veterinarians can utilize various holistic treatment options, including acupuncture, to help with pet pain management. A veterinarian on our veterinary team can help reduce anxiety and stress in dogs, helping make dog obedience training more manageable and effective.
Pet Nutrition Counseling
Pet owners can schedule an appointment with their veterinarian to discuss holistic treatment options for their dog or cat and learn more about their pet’s nutrition needs. Pet nutrition counseling is used to discover the right combination of nutrients and rich proteins to help the pet’s overall health and wellness. If the pet suffers from allergies or digestive issues, holistic pet care can help adjust the diet to make a difference in how they feel. Get pet nutrition counseling from a veterinarian on our veterinary team to help maintain your pet achieve pet wellness.
Get Pet Nutrition, Pet Pain Management, and Dog Obedience Training from a Veterinarian on Our Veterinary Team
If you are considering learning more about holistic care for your pet, contact us at Citrus Heights Pet Hospital to schedule an appointment with a veterinarian on our veterinary team. We can show you alternative treatment options to help with pet pain management, nutrition, behavior, and more. We can accept patients in the Citrus Heights, CA, area. Call us at (916) 725-2700 for pet nutrition, pet pain management, and dog obedience training from a veterinarian on our veterinary team.