Kitten Care

They say dogs are man’s best friend, but many people prefer cats anyway. If you’re one of them, you probably want to start with a kitten. Whether you’re thinking of getting one, or you just have, be sure to take advantage of the pet services offered at Citrus Heights Pet Hospital. Below are a few tips on taking care of your new furry friend.

Feeding a Baby Kitten

When it comes to feeding kittens, for the first month of its life the kitten has to be fed milk by the mother. A visit to a veterinary clinic will tell you how to feed your kitten if his or her mother can’t do it. In rare cases, you may have to feed the kitten a special type of milk. The milk that humans drink is not fit for kittens or even adult cats. Drinking cow’s milk causes cats to suffer from diarrhea because cats can’t properly digest it.

Canned cat food, specially formulated for kittens, should be served to kittens starting at five-weeks old. For the first week, a kitten should be eating wet canned food. At seven or eight weeks old it is safe to start feeding the cat some dry food. Baby kittens should be fed approximately every two hours. The food you feed a cat must have protein, as this has to make up 30% of a proper diet in order to remain healthy.

Keeping Your Kitten Warm

While adult cats maintain a steady body temperature, kittens don’t yet have the ability to do this. Kittens should live in an environment where the indoor room temperature is between 85 and 90 degrees if you have a newborn kitten. For the first five days that a kitten is alive, this is the temperature range needed for his or her environment. For the second five days of a kitten’s life, the temperature can be dropped to 80 degrees. By the time your kitten is one month old, the ideal indoor temperature for it is 75 degrees. It is crucial to the survival of your kitten that it is exposed to the proper temperatures. The time spent in a cold environment can make a kitten sick or even take its life.


Last but not least, a kitten needs his or her litter box to be clean at all times. Every day it’s necessary to change the litter box in order to keep the kitten healthy. If your kitten still has its mother, then the mother will make sure that the kitten is kept clean with help grooming.

Contact Citrus Heights Pet Hospital for More Kitten Care Tips

Our veterinarian in Citrus Heights urges all pet owners to make an appointment at Citrus Heights Pet Hospital. Our pet services will teach you everything you need to know about caring for your furry friends. Call us today to make your appointment.
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