Pet Surgery Aftercare

Surgery can be a stressful time for you and your pet. Much like humans, animals need surgery aftercare to heal properly after a surgical procedure. As a pet owner, it’s important to be prepared if the need arises. Our veterinarians at Citrus Heights Pet Hospital would like to share a few tips on how to take care of your furry friend after surgery.

Feeding Your Pet After Surgery

Once we administer the general anesthetic, your pet might feel nauseated and lose its appetite. After surgery, feed your pup a half portion of a lighter meal like chicken and rice, which might be easier for him to eat than his usual store-bought food.

Your pet’s appetite might come in about 24 hours after the surgery. So, if you notice your dog’s appetite hasn’t returned after 48 hours, call our veterinarians in Citrus Heights. A loss of appetite might be a sign of an infection or excessive pain.

Managing Your Pet’s Pain After Surgery

After discharge, we will discuss the pain relievers or medications prescribed in detail for an effective pet surgery after-care plan. Our veterinarians will go over your pet’s dosage, how you should provide him medication, and how to administer it safely. Be sure to follow these instructions closely to avoid unnecessary pain and possible side effects. Always follow up with us if you are unsure about the provided instructions.

Antibiotics and pain medications are often prescribed for pain relief. If your pet is anxious, we might also prescribe an anti-anxiety drug or sedative to help calm your pet while healing. Avoid giving your pet any human medications. Many human medications are toxic to your furry friend.

Keeping Your Pet Comfortable After Surgery

You need to create a quiet and comfortable place for your pet to relax. Keep him away from the hustle and bustle of children, household chores, and other pets. Set a soft, comfy bed for him and give him a spacious room to spread out so that he does not put pressure on the operated area.

Contact Citrus Heights Pet Hospital in Citrus Heights, CA

Hopefully, you have found this information beneficial as you prepare your pet surgery plan. If your pet is having surgery at Citrus Heights Pet Hospital, our team will answer any other questions you might have about your pet’s post-operative care. Call our team today at (916) 725-2700 or reach us through our website by using our online contact form.
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