Pet Arthritis

Pet Arthritis Treatment and Prevention Care in Citrus Heights, CA

When you suspect that your pet is suffering from arthritis, finding and providing the proper care can help him get pain relief. Our team here at Citrus Heights Pet Hospital in Citrus Heights, CA, does what it can ensure that your pet receives the proper diagnosis and treatment so that your pet can live a better life. Continue reading below for more information on arthritis, how it impacts pet care, and what you can do to help.

Signs of Arthritis in Pets

If you’re unsure if your pet is suffering from arthritis or not, there are a few common signs that you can keep an eye out for. Just like a human affected by arthritis, pets will avoid situations and movements that cause them pain. They’ll often begin to walk slowly or in a stiff manner. As the condition worsens, your pet may tend to remain in one location as much as possible to minimize discomfort. You may also notice difficulty jumping or playing as well as discomfort when you attempt to touch or move the painful area.

Possible Causes of Pet Arthritis

Usually arthritis comes with age as your pet ages due to their joints naturally deteriorating. Symptoms may begin after an injury is sustained like a strain or sprain and specific dog and cat breeds are more likely to develop the condition.

How a Veterinarian Can Help Your Pet

One of the impactful things you can do to help your pet is to visit a veterinarian to receive a diagnosis and treatment plan. Once a vet on our veterinary team has performed a complete exam, the two of you will then work together to find the best pet care options based on the severity of the arthritis and other factors. Your pet may be prescribed medication to help minimize pain as well as medication to promote joint health.

Changes You Can Make at Home

When your pet is battling arthritis, making things as easy and comfortable as possible at home can be helpful. To ease the difficulties of daily life, you can adjust the location and height of food and water bowls, place ramps to help him onto furniture, and adjust his exercise routines to something better suited to his mobility.

Get Pet Pain Relief, Prevention Care, and Pet Care from a Veterinarian on Our Veterinary Team in Citrus Height, CA

If you suspect that your pet has developed arthritis, get him the care he needs to get pain relief. At Citrus Heights Pet Hospital, we strive to provide each of our patients with the care they need so that they can live a long and happy life. Contact us today for more information about our services and to schedule your appointment. Call us at (916) 725-2700 for more information.
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