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Pet Vaccinations FAQs

By November 23, 2021September 4th, 2023No Comments

Just like humans, pets should receive vaccines to protect them from infectious diseases. Your responsibility as a pet owner is to ensure your furry friends are current on their vaccination schedules. Our veterinarians at Citrus Heights Pet Hospital have gathered some of the common questions that we run into regarding pet vaccinations.

Why Are Pet Vaccinations Essential?

Vaccines are proven to prevent the spread of contagious illnesses that compromise your pet’s health. Pets who do not get their vaccines can spread disease to humans and other pets in the community.

Are Vaccinations Safe?

Most pets have a normal reaction to a vaccine. There are a few side effects you can expect which are normal. Some of these include a tender feeling where the injection was given, a slight loss of appetite, and having low energy. However, your pet is usually back to normal within one to two days. The small amount of time with a little discomfort is well worth the immunity your pet will have against a potentially deadly disease.

What Vaccines Does My Pet Need?

Core vaccines are needed for dogs and cats, which are considered the essential set that is needed. Non-core vaccines can also be given, but these depend largely on your pet’s lifestyle and pre-existing conditions. Our veterinarians will ensure your pet gets the right set of vaccines needed for optimal protection.

Why Do Kittens and Puppies Need Vaccination Schedules?

New pets, just like babies, don’t have a fully developed immune system yet. Therefore, they are susceptible to conditions that can make them severely ill or even cause death. Vaccinations usually begin around eight weeks of age and finish anywhere between 16-20 weeks. This first round of vaccines is an excellent way for your pet to start a healthy life.

Contact Citrus Heights Pet Hospital for Quality Pet Care

If you live in or around Citrus Heights and would like to know more about our veterinary services, contact our veterinarians. Vaccinations are an essential part of keeping your furry friends happy and healthy for years to come. Call our team today at (916) 725-2700 or reach us through our website by using our online contact form.

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